Delta Pregnancy
Resource Center
Upcoming Events:
September 21th, 2024
Walk n' Ride For Life 2024!
Take your pick:
stretch your legs for a great cause! Course is marked with a water station at the turn around spot.
Registration: 9am
Start out: 10am.
$25/person or $40/family of 5
One FREE t-shirt
Have a horse? Let's RIDE! Gymkhana games will be Flag Race, Barrel Racing, Pole Bending & 75 up & back.
Registration: 8am
Event begin: 9am​
$40/person or $80/family of 5
One FREE t-shirt
8 & under
9 yrs - 13 yrs
14 yrs - 18 yrs
Seniors 19+
Gift baskets for winners in each age group sponsored by local businesses!!
1st -4th Place Ribbons given
No stallions or dogs allowed.
There will be silent auction items also!!
Cowboy at the Cross Church 21573 Austin Rd.
Austin, CO 81410​
Pick up a registration & pledge form at the office at 523 Dodge St. in Delta.
​North Forkers:
Walk for Life in Paonia!
Meet at the City Park and enjoy fellowship and exercise while walking for local families in Delta County. Afterward, hop in the car and join us in Austin for BBQ pork and sides, for $10 plate.
Have fun gathering sponsors to partner with you! Turn in your pledge forms before the walk.
Contact Penny at (970) 497-6414 for more details and to pick up a registration/pledge form.
ONE free t-shirt/person or ONE/family (additional shirts by donation.)
ASK your friends & family to sponsor you by filling the Pledge Form. Try to fill as many of the 9 slots!
Contact us @ (970)874-5733 if you have any questions.